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Tools I Use A Lot

I will write a bit about tools I use as I remember


Originally rupa/z but I have switched to zoxide

I have generally bad memory so to cd into a commonly used directory with just a part of the name I remember is really useful.


Fzf is fuzzy finder that is really versatil. You can use it in many places and hence, for a long time I didn't not understand where and how to use it.

Treats me well for not reading the docs! It has integrations for popular shell environments that will put ctrl+r on steroids!

Also zoxide picks up fzf and works with it!

Ripgrep (rg)

A very fast Grep with nice default behaviour including filters.

See why you may want to try ripgrep


I use this mainly behind corporate barbed wires. I initially tried it because it was a tmux like thing which I can take behid the barbed wires. Something I really like about zellij is how discoverable it's features are.


My own shell script to go back up the path.

Find za here. For Fish shell, is here

Another idea I have explored is going up to directory by name. bash/zsh/fish implementations are found here