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The idea of this doc is to put together a modern workflow for infrastructure management. I don't in anyway claim originality. This is just an attempt to collect ideas from around the web, books etc.

A non exhaustive list of goals would be

  • Follow Infrastructure as Code concepts
  • Test the infrastructure
  • Build up resources which facilitates repeatability

Complete automation is probably a non-realistic goal that would distract us rather than helping us move in light speed. James Nugent of Joyent puts it like this


What we are not gonna do is aim for a single terraform apply to create everything. Cause it's great for demos but it's not that realistic in the real world.

Complete automation is a great dream to have though.


Let's try to build up a workflow for..

  • Setting up roles, permissions etc.
  • Provisioning infra resources
    • Networks, DNS, VMs etc.
  • Installing software
    • can be done with either shell scripts
    • or a config management system like Ansible
  • Configuring software
  • Starting up
    • joining a cluster etc.
  • Verifying everything is in order (Testing)

Managing Infrastructure

Infrastructure as code


Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the process of managing and provisioning computer data centers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools

There are many tools that facilitates defining your infrastructure as code. AWS Cloudformation and GCP Deployment Manager are two vendor specific examples. But there's another player who supports multiple cloud environments. That is Terraform by Hashicorp and that's what we will focus on.

Terraform is a powerful infrastructure automation tool. You can describe your infrastruture in a simple configuration language and have it automatically created for you.

You can mange this configuration using a source control system like git. This gives you great control over your infrastructure. This also facilitates team collaboration on infrastructure. Terraform remote state makes things even better in a team environment.

On Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Terraform can manage resources starting from folders. It can manage projects, roles, policies etc. as well. Anyhow to do this, Terrafrom requires adequate power. Whether to do these with Terraform and how to manage the risks involved should be carefully thought out.

It's best to have Terraform execute in an automated environment. This environment can be tightly controlled (ex: limited access to the environment, well defined and controlled peocess for execution) for security and safety. This way, the adequate power I mentioned before can be well contianed.

The developer Terraform setups only get read-only access to the infrastructure, so they can do their task without hindrance and anxiety of causing unnecessary trouble.

Install Software and configure

One idea is to build VM images with Packer baking in as much as possible (Install software, add configuration) instead of installing/configuring upon provisioning. Anyhow, there will still be the need for startup scripts for tasks that can only be done once system is up. Adding the instace IP to a config file or having the instance join a cluster are couple examples.

This idea especially saves time in cases where there are lots of new deployments happening.

Immutable infrastructure with Packer, Ansible and terraform: article

The other way is to do a Vanilla provision and have stuff installed/configured with a configuration management system like Puppet or Ansible.

Managing multiple environments

Let's take an example case of multiple environments. Imagine that we have dev, QA/staging and production environments. The ideal is to keep these environments identical. If we are to follow this, we can do it with Terraform without duplicating code.

For this just have the terraform in one code repository and manage different configurations (.tfvars files) inside directories. This write-up explains this idea very well.

Anyhow, nothing is perfect. Especially if the technical ideals clash with finances. When this happens, the technical ideals go out of the window real quick.

For example you may have to give up on having identical dev, staging and prod environment. In this case we have to copy the code between different code repos created per each environment. This can be messy and error prone. But when there are changes in infra between environments, managing it in one code repo is also gonna be messy and complicated.

When infra between environments change, the tradeoffs of copying code base seem to win at least with my current experience in Terraform. Usually when the infrastructure are different they are likely to get further diverged.

Terraform Workspaces

Terraform Workspaces can be utilized for deploying multiple environments with the same code base. Workspaces will manage the state for each workspace <=> environment separately with supported backends.



  • Try to support one or minimum number of Operating Systems.
    • This helps reducing cognitive load required in operations.
    • Makes it easier to debug
  • Always think through and agree upon naming conventions.
    • Saves confusion
    • Document these to have everyone on the same page


System Policy can be put in code thanks to Open Policy Agent